首页> 外文期刊>Aerosol Europe: The European Magazine for the International Aerosol Industry >New Schyler Impact extrysion press X-300S for the production of aerosol cans and bottles

New Schyler Impact extrysion press X-300S for the production of aerosol cans and bottles

机译:新型Schyler Impact挤压机X-300S,用于生产气雾罐和瓶子

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Schuler has expanded its XS range of impact ex-trusion presses with the addition of the new X-300S impact extrusion press. The new model with a press force of 300 metric tons is ideally suited for the production of aluminum cans and bottles. With a speed of up to 200 strokes per minute, the X-300S runs much faster than its "big brother", the X-400S. The press can produce parts with a maximum diameter of up to 66 millimeters. Compared to the company's existing models, further improvements have been made with regard to the handling and operation of the new press. The X-300S is the first press to feature a new slide guidance system, which plays a decisive role in enhancing performance.
机译:舒勒通过增加新的X-300S冲击挤压机,扩大了其XS冲击挤压机的范围。压力为300公吨的新型号非常适合铝罐和铝瓶的生产。 X-300S的速度高达每分钟200冲程,比其“老大哥” X-400S的运行速度快得多。压力机可以生产最大直径最大为66毫米的零件。与公司现有的模型相比,在新印刷机的处理和操作方面已进行了进一步的改进。 X-300S是第一台采用新型滑动导向系统的压力机,在提高性能方面起着决定性的作用。



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