首页> 外文期刊>Nonlinear dynamics >Nonholonomic rolling of a ball on the surface of a rotating cone

Nonholonomic rolling of a ball on the surface of a rotating cone


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This paper investigates the rolling without slipping of a homogeneous heavy ball on the surface of a rotating cone in two settings: without dissipation in a nonholonomic setting and with rolling friction torque which is proportional to the angular velocity of the ball. In the nonholonomic setting, the resulting system of five differential equations on the level set of first integrals is reduced to quadratures. A bifurcation analysis of the above system is carried out to determine the possible types of motion. In the second case, it is shown that there are not only trajectories emanating from the lower point of the cone (its vertex), but also trajectories to the vertex of the cone (fall). An analysis of the dependence of the type of terminal motion of the center of mass of the ball on initial conditions is carried out.
机译:本文研究了两个设置的旋转锥体表面上的均匀重球的轧制;不耗散非完整的设置,并且滚动摩擦扭矩与球的角速度成比例。 在非完整的设置中,在第一积分组上的五个微分方程的所得系统减少到四态。 进行了对上述系统的分叉分析以确定可能的运动类型。 在第二种情况下,示出了不仅存在从锥体(其顶点)的较低点产生的轨迹,而且还存在锥体的顶点(下降)的轨迹。 进行了对初始条件的终端运动类型的终端运动类型的依赖性分析。



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