首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand Veterinary Journal >Control of clinical paratuberculosis in New Zealand pastoral livestock

Control of clinical paratuberculosis in New Zealand pastoral livestock


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This review summarises current control measures for clinical paratuberculosis (Johne's disease; JD) in New Zealand pastoral livestock. Most New Zealand sheep, deer, beef and dairy cattle herds and flocks are infected by Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (Map). Dairy cattle and deer are mostly infected with bovine (Type II), and sheep and beef cattle with ovine (Type I) strains. Control in all industries is voluntary. While control in sheep and beef cattle is ad hoc, the dairy and deer industries have developed resources to assist development of farm-specific programmes.The primary target for all livestock is reduction of the incidence rate of clinical disease rather than bacterial eradication per se. For dairy farms, a nationally instituted JD-specific programme provides guidelines for risk management, monitoring and testing clinically suspect animals. While there is no formal programme for sheep farms, for those with annual prevalences of clinical disease 2%, especially fine wool breeds, vaccination may be a cost effective control option. The deer industry proactively monitors infection by a national abattoir surveillance programme and farmers with an apparent high disease incidence are encouraged to engage with a national network of trained consultants for management and control advice. Evaluation of the biological and economic effectiveness of control in all industries remains to be undertaken. Nevertheless, opportunities exist for farmers, who perceive significant JD problems in their herds/flocks, to participate in systematic best-practice activities that are likely to reduce the number of clinical infections with Map on their farms, and therefore the overall prevalence of JD in New Zealand's farming industries.
机译:本综述总结了新西兰牧草临床诊所(Johne病; JD)的目前控制措施。大多数新西兰绵羊,鹿,牛肉和奶牛牛群和羊群被分枝杆菌SSP感染。 paratuberculosis(地图)。乳制力牛和鹿主要感染牛(II型),羊和牛肉牛与绵羊(I型)菌株。所有行业的控制都是自愿的。虽然在绵羊和肉牛中的控制是临时,但奶牛和鹿行业已经开发了资源,以协助开发农业特定的计划。所有牲畜的主要目标是降低临床疾病发病率,而不是细菌根除本身。对于乳制品农场,一项全国化的JD特定计划提供了风险管理,监测和测试临床怀疑动物的指导方针。虽然没有正式的绵羊农场计划,但对于临床疾病年度患病率的人和GT; 2%,特别是细羊毛品种,疫苗接种可能是具有成本效益的控制选择。鹿行业主动监测由国家AbattoIR监测计划和具有明显高病发病率的农民进行感染,鼓励与训练有素的培训顾问网络进行管理和控制建议。对所有行业控制的生物和经济效益的评估仍有待进行。然而,农民存在的机会,他在畜群/羊群中察觉大量的JD问题,参与系统的最佳实践活动,可能会减少其农场的地图的临床感染数量,因此jd的总体流行新西兰的农业产业。



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