首页> 外文期刊>Neuroscience and behavioral physiology >Comparative Analysis of Brain Activity in Verbal and Spatial Thought in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Speech Disorders

Comparative Analysis of Brain Activity in Verbal and Spatial Thought in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Speech Disorders


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We report here an analysis of specifi c brain activity measured by fMRI during solution of spatial and verbal tasks in 15 healthy subjects and nine patients with dysarthria or mild sensorimotor aphasia. In healthy subjects, activation of Brodmann area (BA) 19 and Broca’s area was more characteristic of verbal thought, while greater bilateral activation of the temporal-parietal-occipital zone, along with the left insula and visual fi elds 17 and 18 on the left, was specifi c for spatial thought. In patients with speech disorders, the distribution of areas specifi c to one task or another underwent signifi cant changes, with non-activation of areas of brain activation characteristic of healthy subjects. Despite the absence of clinical signs of cognitive impairments, the mean verbal task solution time was signifi cantly longer and the proportion of correct responses was smaller in patients than in healthy subjects.
机译:我们在此报告了在15名健康受试者和九个患有扰动患者或轻度感觉运动患者的空间和口头任务溶液中测量的特定C大脑活动的分析。 在健康的科目中,Brodmann地区(BA)19和Broca的区域的激活是言语思想的更具特征,而左侧insietal-inciogital区的双边激活较大的双边激活,以及左侧的左侧insula和visual fields 17和18 ,是用于空间思想的特定。 在患有语音疾病的患者中,将区域的分布规定为一个任务或另一个任务或另一种丧失的意义不能改变,不激活健康受试者的脑激活特征的区域。 尽管缺乏认知障碍的临床迹象,但平均的言语任务解决方案时间是显着的,并且患者的正确反应比例比健康受试者更小。



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