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Ruling out genetic erosion in Picea chihuahuana Martinez

机译:在Picea Chihuahuana Martinez中裁定遗传侵蚀

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Genetic erosion has been variously defined as the loss of particular alleles, the reduction in richness of the total number of alleles, and the reduction in evenness of the frequencies of alleles in a given place within populations or across species. Picea chihuahuana Martinez is an endangered endemic species known to occur in at least 40 locations along the Sierra Madre Occidental, in the states of Durango and Chihuahua (Mexico), but covering a total area of no more than 300 ha. The total number of individuals has been estimated to be around 42,600, and the number of mature individuals may be 2500. The populations (including mature trees, saplings and seedlings) vary in size from 21 to 5546 individuals. It has been suggested that small populations may be more susceptible to loss of genetic variability via genetic erosion caused by genetic drift, endogamy depression and strong unidirectional selection. The predicted reduction and eventual disappearance of a suitable habitat for P. chihuahuana due to climatic change imposes an additional risk of extinction. The principal aim of this study was therefore to estimate genetic erosion in 14 populations of P. chihuahuana Martinez by comparing genetic diversity across diameter at breast height classes (as a proxy for age classes) by using AFLP markers and four indices of genetic diversity that are commonly applied in combination with dominant genetic markers. No evidence of genetic erosion was found in the 14 P. chihuahuana populations analyzed.
机译:遗传侵蚀已被不同地定义为特定等位基因的丧失,等位基因总数的丰富度降低以及群体内给定的地方的等位基因频率的均匀度的降低。 Picea Chihuahuana Martinez是一种濒临灭绝的地方物种,该物种沿着杜兰戈和奇瓦瓦(墨西哥)的塞拉马德·斯多特(Sierra Madre Eventidental),但占据了300多公顷的总面积。据估计,个人总数达到42,600左右,并且成熟个体的数量可能是& 2500.群体(包括成熟树木,树苗和幼苗)的大小为21至5546人。有人提出,小群体可以通过遗传漂移,内切染力抑制和强大的单向选择引起的遗传侵蚀损失遗传变异损失。由于气候变化导致的P. Chihuahuana的合适栖息地的预测和最终消失造成了额外的灭绝风险。因此,本研究的主要目的是通过使用AFLP标记和四个遗传多样性的遗传多样性的遗传多样性的遗传多样性,估计P. Chihuahaabara Martinez的14个群体的遗传侵蚀。常用与主要遗传标记组合。在分析的14个奇瓦瓦纳群体中没有发现遗传侵蚀的证据。



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