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Environmental Significance of the Chemical Composition of Sediments in Groundwater-Recharged Lakes of the Badain Jaran Desert, NW China


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For lakes in desert hinterlands that are not recharged by river runoff, sediment is input solely by wind transport; however, the mechanisms that control the spatial variations in geochemical characteristics of sediments in such lakes remain unclear. Moreover, it remains uncertain whether some element ratios can be used as proxies for environmental characteristics. In this study, 100 surface sediment samples were collected from five lakes in the hinterland of the Badain Jaran Desert, NW China, and examined for their major, trace and rare earth element contents and mineral assemblages. Chemical composition and mineral components of the sediments differed significantly between lakes with different total dissolved solids (TDS). Geochemical characteristics of the lake sediments and their spatial variations are influenced by eolian sands, saline minerals, and sediment sorting. Eolian sands dominate the immobile and nonsoluble elements, whereas authigenic minerals are important in influencing variations in the mobile and soluble elements. Sediment sorting is reflected in the spatial variation of the sediment chemical composition. The positive relationship between the SiO2/Ti of sediment and lake area indicates that changes in the SiO2/Ti ratio can reveal approximate lake area. The Na2O/K2O ratio in sediments can reveal the TDS of salt lakes more effectively than can the Rb/Sr ratio. However, the key factors and mechanisms governing the chemical composition of sediments at different brine evolution stages vary among lakes with different TDS levels, which should be carefully considered when interpreting the environmental significance of the chemical composition as a proxy for paleoenviroment change.
机译:对于河流径流没有充电的沙漠腹地的湖泊,沉积物仅由风运输输入;然而,控制这种湖泊中沉积物的地球化学特征的空间变化的机制仍然尚不清楚。此外,它仍然不确定某些元素比是否可以用作环境特征的代理。在这项研究中,从Badain Jaran Desert,NW中国的腹地中的五个湖泊收集了100种表面沉积物样本,并为其主要,痕量和稀土元素内容和矿物组合进行了检查。沉积物的化学成分和矿物成分在具有不同总溶解固体(TDS)的湖泊之间的显着不同。湖泊沉积物的地球化学特征及其空间变化受到丰光砂,盐矿物质和沉积物分类的影响。 EOLIAN SANDS主导了固定和非溶解元素,而Aheyenenic矿物质在影响流动和可溶性元素的变化方面是重要的。沉积物分选反映在沉积物化学成分的空间变化中。 SAIJ和Lake地区SiO2 / Ti之间的正关系表明SiO2 / Ti比的变化可以揭示近似湖泊面积。沉积物中的Na 2 O / K2O比可以更有效地揭示盐湖的TDS,而不是RB / SR比。然而,治疗不同盐水进化阶段的沉积物化学成分的关键因素和机制在具有不同TDS水平的湖泊中变化,当解释化学成分的环境意义时应仔细考虑,作为古生倍增的代理。



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