首页> 外文期刊>Modern Physics Letters, A >Improved dynamic multiparty quantum direct secret sharing protocol based on generalized GHZ states to prevent collusion attack

Improved dynamic multiparty quantum direct secret sharing protocol based on generalized GHZ states to prevent collusion attack


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In 2018, Song et al. [Quantum Inf. Process 17, 244 (2018)] proposed a dynamic quantum direct secret sharing (DQDSS) protocol based on generalized GHZ states. However, this protocol is vulnerable to a security problem, known as the collusion attack, using which the dishonest agents can collude to reveal the master key without collaborating with other agents. This security problem, if unaddressed, can prevent the protocol from providing the secret sharing function. Therefore, this study proposes an improved DQDSS protocol to address the security problem in Song et al.'s DQDSS protocol. The proposed DQDSS protocol is resistant to the collusion attack and various other common attacks. Furthermore, the advantages of Song et al.'s DQDSS protocol are retained in the proposed scheme.
机译:2018年,Song等人。 [量子米。 过程17,244(2018)]提出了一种基于广义GHz状态的动态量子直接秘密共享(DQDSS)协议。 但是,该协议容易受到安全问题的影响,称为勾结攻击,使用哪种不诚实的代理可以贡献来揭示主密钥而无需与其他代理合作。 如果未解决的问题,则此安全问题可以防止协议提供秘密共享功能。 因此,本研究提出了一种改进的DQDS协议,以解决Song等人的安全问题。的DQDSS协议。 所提出的DQDS协议对勾结攻击和各种其他常见攻击抵抗力。 此外,Song等人的优势。在所提出的方案中保留了DQDSS协议。



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