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Mineralogy and genesis of pyrochlore apatitite from The Good Hope Carbonatite, Ontario: A potential niobium deposit


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The Good Hope carbonatite is located adjacent to the Prairie Lake alkaline rock and carbonatite complex in northwestern Ontario. The occurrence is a heterolithic breccia consisting of diverse calcite, dolomite and ferrodolomite carbonatites containing clasts of magnesioarfvedsonite + potassium feldspar, phlogopite + potassium feldspar together with pyrochlore-bearing apatitite clasts. The apatitite occurs as angular, boudinaged and schlieren clasts up to 5 cm in maximum dimensions. In these pyrochlore occurs principally as euhedral single crystals (0.1-1.5 cm) and can comprise up to 25 vol.% of the clasts. Individual clasts contain compositionally- and texturally-distinct suites of pyrochlore. The pyrochlores are hosted by small prismatic crystals of apatite (similar to 400-500 mu m x 10-25 mu m) that are commonly flow-aligned and in some instances occur as folds. Allotriogranular cumulate textures are not evident in the apatitites. The fluorapatite does not exhibit compositional zonation under back-scattered electron spectroscopy, although ultraviolet and cathodoluminescence imagery shows distinct cores with thin (<50 mu m) overgrowths. Apatite lacks fluid or solid inclusions of other minerals. The apatite is rich in Sr (7030-13,000 ppm) and rare earth elements and exhibits depletions in La, Ce, Pr and Nd (La/Nd-CN ratios (0.73-1.14) relative to apatite in cumulate apatitites (La/Nd-CN > 13) in the adjacent Prairie Lake complex. The pyrochlore are primarily Na-Ca pyrochlore of relatively uniform composition and minor Sr contents (<2 wt.% SrO). Irregular resorbed cores of some pyrochlores are A-site deficient (>50%) and enriched in Sr (6-10 wt.% SrO), BaO (0.5-35 wt%), Ta2O5 (1-2 wt.%) and UO2 (0.5-2 wt%). Many of the pyrochlores exhibit oscillatory zoning. Experimental data on the phase relationships of haplocarbonatite melts predicts the formation of apatite and pyrochlore as the initial liquidus phases in such systems. However, the texture of the clasts indicates that pyrochlore and apatite did not crystallise together and it is concluded that pyrochlores formed in one magma have been mechanically mixed with a different apatite-rich magma. Segregation of the apatite-pyrochlore assemblage followed by lithification resulted in the apatitites, which were disrupted and fragmented by subsequent batches of diverse carbonatites. The genesis of the pyrochlore apatitites is considered to be a process of magma mixing and not simple in situ crystallisation.
机译:良好的希望碳酸石位于安大略省西北部的草原湖碱性岩石和碳酸盐岩复合物附近。该发生是一种异质的Breccia,包括不同的方解石,白云石和铁司摩铜碳酸盐,含有氧化镁葡萄酒+钾长石,磷酸盐+钾长石的含量与烧纤维抗孔隙液。 Apatitite在最大尺寸最大5厘米的角度,Boudinged和Schlieren Clast发生。在这些Pyrochlore中,主要是作为Euhedral单晶(0.1-1.5cm)的,并且可以包含高达25体积的含量。单个含水物含有组成和纹理的曲线套装。用磷灰石的小棱柱晶体(类似于400-500μm×10-25μm),寄生型散晶晶体通常是流动排列的,并且在某些情况下以折叠发生。 Allotriogranular累积纹理在吸引力中不明显。氟磷酸盐在后散射电子光谱下没有表现出组合分区,尽管紫外线和阴极发光图像显示具有薄(<50μm)过度生长的明显核心。磷灰石缺乏其他矿物质的液体或固体夹杂物。磷灰石富含SR(7030-13,000ppm)和稀土元素,并且在La,Ce,Pr和Nd(La / Nd-Cn比率(0.73-1.14)中呈磷灰石的耗尽(La / Nd- CN> 13)在邻近的草原湖综合体中。烧火晶醇主要是具有相对均匀的组合物和次要Sr含量的Na-Ca Pyrochlore(<2重量%的SrO)。一些含有一些纤维素的反射核心是一种缺陷(> 50 %)和富含Sr(6-10重量%的SrO),BaO(0.5-35wt%),Ta2O5(1-2重量%)和UO 2(0.5-2重量%)。许多烧火型振荡分区。Haplocarbontite Melts相位关系的实验数据预测磷灰石和烧谱的形成作为这种体系中的初始液相阶段。然而,裂解物的质地表明,烧纤维和磷灰石没有结晶,并且结论是形成的烧氯化物在一个岩浆中,用不同的磷灰石的岩浆机械混合。磷灰石 - 烧焦的分离矿石组合,然后溶液导致磷灰石中断并通过随后的多种不同的碳酸石破坏和破碎。烧型曲芯散发岩的成因被认为是岩浆混合的过程,并且不简单地原位结晶。



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