This study examines the steel-related export structure of the 15 largest steelmaking economies in 2015. The study provides a broad view of linkages between '/> Trade specialisation patterns in major steelmaking economies: the role of advanced economies and the implications for rapid growth in emerging market and developing economies in the global steel market
首页> 外文期刊>Mineral Economics: Raw Materials Report >Trade specialisation patterns in major steelmaking economies: the role of advanced economies and the implications for rapid growth in emerging market and developing economies in the global steel market

Trade specialisation patterns in major steelmaking economies: the role of advanced economies and the implications for rapid growth in emerging market and developing economies in the global steel market


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AbstractThis study examines the steel-related export structure of the 15 largest steelmaking economies in 2015. The study provides a broad view of linkages between steel-related export structure, steelmaking technologies, and the level of economic development of each economy. To shed light on exporters’ patterns of specialisation, indices of revealed symmetric comparative advantage are used, indicating that patterns of steel exports differ widely across economies. In addition, this study focuses on the difference between steel exports in volume and value terms amid growing debate over the issue of value creation caused by excess capacity in the steel industry. This study concludes that the choice of steelmaking technologies and the level of economic development are significant determinants of trade specialisation patterns in major steelmaking economies. Although emerging market and developing economies have played a significant role in volume terms in the global steel market, advanced economies still have a crucial role as key suppliers, especially for high value-added products.
机译:<标题>抽象 本研究审查了2015年15大炼钢经济体的钢材相关出口结构。该研究提供了钢铁相关出口结构,炼钢之间的联系方式。技术,以及每经济经济的经济发展水平。在出口商的专业化模式下,使用揭示对称比较优势的指标,表明经济跨越钢铁出口模式差异很大。此外,本研究重点介绍,在钢铁行业的超额产能造成的价值创造问题上,钢铁出口量与价值术语的差异。本研究结论,炼钢技术的选择和经济发展水平是主要炼钢经济体的贸易专业化模式的重要决定因素。虽然新兴市场和发展中经济体在全球钢铁市场的数量方面发挥了重要作用,但发达的经济体仍然具有至关重要的主要供应商的作用,特别是对于高附加值产品。



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