首页> 外文期刊>Crystal Research and Technology: Journal of Experimental and Industrial Crystallography >The influence of Pb-ion irradiation on melt-textured YBa2Cu3Ox crystals

The influence of Pb-ion irradiation on melt-textured YBa2Cu3Ox crystals


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Melt-textured YBa2Cu3Ox crystals have been irradiated along the c-axis with Pb-208(56+) ions corresponding to dose matching fields, B-Phi = 0.5 T and B-Phi = 2.0 T. Magnetization measurements were conducted along the ab plane of the samples. The strength of pinning sites was investigated by measuring magnetization hysterisis and the saturation remanent magnetization M-R at several temperatures. We have found that the pinning strength was considerably enhanced after irradiation at both doses. Interestingly, the pinning strength at a Pb-ion irradiation which corresponds to the dose matching field B-Phi = 0.5 T, was found to be significantly larger than that at the dose matching field B-Phi = 2.0 T at all temperatures. (C) 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
机译:熔体织构化的YBa2Cu3Ox晶体已沿c轴用对应于剂量匹配场的Bb-Phi = 0.5 T和B-Phi = 2.0 T的Pb-208(56+)离子辐照。沿ab平面进行磁化测量的样本。通过在几个温度下测量磁化磁滞和饱和剩磁M-R,研究了钉扎点的强度。我们发现,两种剂量的辐照后,钉扎强度都得到了显着提高。有趣的是,发现在所有温度下,对应于剂量匹配场B-Phi = 0.5 T的Pb离子辐照下的钉扎强度都明显大于剂量匹配场B-Phi = 2.0 T时的钉扎强度。 (C)2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co.KGaA,Weinheim



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