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The first record of the Permian Glossopteris flora from Sri Lanka: implications for hydrocarbon source rocks in the Mannar Basin

机译:来自Sri Lanka的Permian Glossopteris Flora的第一条记录:Mannar盆地的碳氢化合物源岩的影响

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Strata exposed near Tabbowa Tank, Tabbowa Basin, western Sri Lanka have yielded the first representatives of the distinctive Permian Glossopteris flora from that country. The assemblage includes gymnosperm foliage attributable to Glossopteris raniganjensis, roots referable to Vertebraria australis, seeds assigned to Samaropsis sp., sphenophyte axes (Paracalamites australis) and foliage (Sphenophyllum emarginatum), and fern foliage (Dichotomopteris lindleyi). This small macroflora is interpreted to be of probable Lopingian (late Permian) age based on comparisons with the fossil floras of Peninsula India. Several Glossopteris leaves in the assemblage bear evidence of terrestrial arthropod interactions including hole feeding, margin feeding, possible lamina skeletonization, piercing-and-sucking damage and oviposition scarring. The newly identified onshore Permian strata necessitate re-evaluation of current models explaining the evolution of the adjacent offshore Mannar Basin. Previously considered to have begun subsiding and accumulating sediment during Jurassic time, we propose that the Mannar Basin may have initiated as part of a pan-Gondwanan extensional phase during late Palaeozoic – Triassic time. We interpret the basal, as yet unsampled, seismically reflective strata of this basin to be probable organic-rich continental strata of Lopingian age, equivalent to those recorded in the Tabbowa Basin, and similar to the Permian coal-bearing successions in the rift basins of eastern India and Antarctica. Such continental fossiliferous strata are particularly significant as potential source rocks for recently identified natural gas resources in the Mannar Basin.
机译:西斯里兰卡西部塔博巴盆地附近暴露的地层露出了Tabbowa盆地,从该国获得了独特的二叠纪Glossopteris Flora的第一个代表。该组合包括肥华植物,可归因于Glossopteris Raniganjensis,Roots可引用vertebraria Australis,分配给Samaropsis sp的种子。,sphenophyte x(帕拉卡拉猿澳羚)和叶子(sphenophyllum emarginatum)和蕨叶(Dichotomopteris Lindleyi)。这种小型Macoflora被解释为基于与半岛印度化石植物的比较的可能性洛普林尼(已故二叠纪)年龄。几个Glossopteris叶子在组合中的携带陆地节肢动物相互作用的证据,包括孔饲料,饲料饲料,可能的薄层骨骼化,刺穿和吸吮损伤和产卵瘢痕。新识别的陆上二叠系地层需要重新评估当前模型,解释邻近海上曼纳尔盆地的演变。以前认为在侏罗纪时期已经开始了沉积物,我们建议曼纳尔盆地可能已经发起,作为古教代晚期三叠纪时间的泛阁宽阶段的一部分。我们将该盆地的地震反射阶层解释为基础,本盆地的地震反射阶层是可能的罗宾时代的有机富有的大陆地层,相当于在Tabbowa盆地中记录的那些,并且类似于裂缝盆地中的二叠系煤轴承继承印度东部和南极洲。这种大陆型化石层是最近鉴定了Mannar盆地的天然气资源的潜在来源岩石。



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