首页> 外文期刊>Metrika: International Journal for Theoretical and Applied Statistics >On the exact distribution of the likelihood ratio test for testing the homogeneity of scale parameters of several two-parameter exponential distributions: complete and censored samples

On the exact distribution of the likelihood ratio test for testing the homogeneity of scale parameters of several two-parameter exponential distributions: complete and censored samples


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We consider the problem of providing the exact distribution of the likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistic for testing the homogeneity of scale parameters of k2 two-parameter exponential distributions. To this end, we apply the Millen inverse transform and the Jacobi polynomial expansion to the moments of LRT statistic. We consider the problem when the data are either complete or censored under the different kinds of Type II censoring, such as the Type II right, progressively Type II right, and double Type II censoring schemes. We also discuss the exact null distribution of the LRT when the data are censored under the Type I censoring scheme.
机译:我们考虑提供用于测试K2双参数分布的规模参数均匀性的似然比测试(LRT)统计学的确切分布的问题。 为此,我们将Millen逆变换和Jacobi多项式扩展应用于LRT统计的时刻。 当数据在不同类型的II型审查(如II型右翼)的不同类型,逐步类型的II右侧和双重审查计划中,我们考虑问题。 我们还讨论了在I型审查方案中审查数据时LRT的确切空分布。



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