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Performance of multistate mark-recapture models for temporary emigration in the presence of survival costs


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Temporary emigration is widespread in animals and plants and has important implications for ecological processes, evolution and the conservation of species. It is increasingly studied with capture-mark-recapture (CMR) models. Temporary emigration provides particular challenges to CMR analyses if it involves movement to an unobservable state. A multistate model in which individuals may move between an observable and an unobservable state (called TE model) was developed for such cases. The model assumes equal survival probability in both states. This assumption may be violated, especially if temporary emigration involves trade-offs between survival and reproduction. A comprehensive assessment of the effects of unequal survival probability on power to detect temporary emigration and on bias and precision of estimates is still needed to understand the applicability and limits of the model.
机译:临时移民在动物和植物中普遍存在,对生态过程,进化和物种的保护具有重要意义。 越来越多地研究捕获标记 - 重新捕获(CMR)模型。 临时移民为CMR分析提供了特殊的挑战,如果它涉及到不可观察的状态。 为这种情况开发了一种多态模型,其中个体可以在可观察到的状态和不可观察的状态(称为TE模型)之间。 该模型在两个状态下都具有相同的生存概率。 可能违反此假设,特别是如果临时移民涉及生存和繁殖之间的权衡。 仍然需要综合评估不平等存活率对检测临时移民的权力以及估计的偏差和精度的效果,以了解模型的适用性和限制。



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