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Denmark Strait during the Late Glacial Maximum and Marine Isotope Stage 3: Sediment sources and transport processes


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AbstractThe sediment records from north and south of Denmark Strait (cores PS2644 and MD99-2323) and on the Kangerlussuaq Trough Mouth Fan (KTMF) (MD99-2260) are evaluated for the period 12 to 60calkaBP with the goal of evaluating: 1) the relative roles of the Greenland and Iceland Ice Sheets in sediment composition, 2) the processes of sediment supply, and 3) the relationship, if any, between the atmospheric derived ice core records and glacial marine sediment history. These questions were addressed using counts of coarse (>2mm) ice rafted debris (IRD), magnetic susceptibility, grain-size spectra, and sediment mineral composition. A significant difference in these variables occurred between MS3 and MIS2, with the latter showing small to modest abrupt changes in felsic and mafic minerals and in IRD, compared to larger and less variable changes during MIS2. The dominant bedrock source archived in the cores is the Cenozoic basaltic outcrops from East Greenland and Iceland (~60%) but there are frequent pulses of felsic-rich sediments (~17–36%), which coincided with Greenland stadials. There is also a persistent detrital carbonate input. The largest shift in most sediment proxies occurred ~28–30calkaBP reflecting the sustained expansion of the ice sheets. The grain-size spectra on the Snorri Drift (MD99-2323) reflected complex depositional histories involving the supply of poorly sorted glacially derived sediment (sand, silt, and clay) and reworking by bottom currents.Highlights?Comparison of sediment attributes N and S of Denmark Strait between Vedde and NAAZII tephras?Analysis of sediments showing variations in glacial transport from mafic versus felsic sources?Comparison with the Renland Ice Cap isotopic data, indicating an increase in felsic sources during isotopic stadials?Examination of grain-size spectra and analysis of “grain-size modes”?Documentation of abrupt IRD events on the Kangerlussuaq Trough Mouth Fan]]>
机译:<![cdata [ 抽象 丹麦海峡北部和南部的沉积物记录(核心PS2644和MD99-2323)和Kangerlussuaq低谷口感风扇(KTMF)(MD99-2260)评估了12至60CalkABP的目标:1)格陵兰和冰岛冰盖在沉积物组成中的相对角色,2)沉积物供应过程,3 )与大气衍生的冰核记录和冰川海洋沉积物史之间的关系,如果有的话。使用粗(> 2mm)冰圆形碎片(IRD),磁化率,晶粒尺寸光谱和沉积物矿物组合物计数来解决这些问题。在MS3和MIS2之间发生这些变量的显着差异,后者显示出肠和MAFIC矿物质和IRD中的较小突然变化,而在MIS2期间的变化较大和更少的可变变化。核心归档的主要基岩源是来自东格陵兰岛和冰岛的新生代玄武岩露头(〜60%),但常见的富含纤维沉积物(〜17-36%),巧妙地与格陵兰的体育。还有一种持续的脱脂碳酸酯输入。大多数沉积物代理中的最大移位发生〜28-30Calkabp,反映了冰盖的持续扩展。 Snorri Drift上的晶粒尺寸光谱(MD99-2323)反映了复杂的沉积历史,涉及供应不良冰川衍生的沉积物(沙,淤泥和粘土),并通过底部电流进行再加工。 < / ce:abstract-sec> 亮点 Vedde和Naazi之间丹麦海峡的沉积物属性N和S的比较tephras 沉积物分析,显示MAFIC与猫科源的冰川运输变异 与Renland Ice帽同位素数据的比较,表明同位素期间的肠源增加Stadials 晶粒尺寸光谱的检查和“晶粒大小模式”分析 Kangerlussuaq Trough over风扇上突然IRD事件的文档 ]]>



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