Ab'/> Population genetics of the deep-sea bluntnose sixgill shark, <ce:italic>Hexanchus griseus</ce:italic>, revealing spatial genetic heterogeneity
首页> 外文期刊>Marine genomics >Population genetics of the deep-sea bluntnose sixgill shark, Hexanchus griseus, revealing spatial genetic heterogeneity

Population genetics of the deep-sea bluntnose sixgill shark, Hexanchus griseus, revealing spatial genetic heterogeneity


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AbstractHexanchus griseusis a globally distributed deep-water shark species. It inhabits tropical and temperate waters throughout the world, including the Mediterranean Sea where it is by-caught by small-scale fisheries in the region. In this study, we analysed the genetic variation ofH. griseusspecimens collected from different areas within and outside the Mediterranean region, to assess its genetic connectivity. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence analysed in this study ranged from cytochromebto 16S rRNA genes including the control region, the 12S rRNA gene and the interspersed tRNA genes in the region, covering a total of 3731 to 3914 nucleotides. Results have shown that this species exhibits geographically distinct maternal lineages, indicating population structure along geographical ranges. These findings reveal population subdivisions not only between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean, but also within the oceans and on a smaller scale within the Mediterranean Sea. This highlights the need to consider each population subdivision separately when designing management plans for the conservation of this species.]]>
机译:<![cdata [ 抽象 Hexanchus Griseus 是全球分布的深水鲨鱼种。它居住在世界各地的热带和温带水域,包括地中海,在该地区的小规模渔业逐个逐个捕获。在这项研究中,我们分析了 h的遗传变异。 Griseus 从地中海内外的不同区域收集的标本,以评估其遗传连接。在该研究中分析的线粒体DNA(MTDNA)序列从细胞色素 B 到16S rRNA基因,包括对照区域,12S rRNA基因和该区域中的漂三的TRNA基因,覆盖a总共3731至3914个核苷酸。结果表明,该物种展示了地理上独特的母系谱系,表明沿着地理范围的人口结构。这些调查结果不仅揭示了太平洋和大西洋之间的人口细分,而且涉及海洋内部和地中海内的较小规模。这突出了在设计保护本物种的管理计划时需要单独考虑每个人口细分的必要性。 ]]>



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