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Benthic foraminiferal distribution and biofacies in the shelf part of Bay of Bengal, east coast of India


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The environmental conditions that determine the benthic foraminiferal biofacies in the shelf part of Bay of Bengal are identified in the present study. The possible variables such as water depth, nature of sediments and substrate, salinity, dissolved oxygen and hydrodynamic factors are evaluated. A total of 23 surface sediment samples were collected at different water depth from the study area and were subjected to foraminiferal analysis and sediment characterisation. Altogether, 147 species belonging to 59 genera and 6 orders are identified, only 22 species are abundant. Cluster (Q-mode and R-mode) analysis of the abundant species resulted in the identification of four distinct biofacies which are correlated with environmental variables. The shallowest biofacies from 0 to 38m water depth is represented by Ammonia beccarii, Amphistegina radiata, Asterorotalia pulchella and Elphidium crispum, which are associated with sandy sediment. The second biofacies from 38 to 83m water depth is characterised by Cibicides wuellerstorfi, Quinqueloculina seminula, Quinqueloculina lamarckiana, Quinqueloculina vulgaris, Quinqueloculina agglutinans, Rotalinoides compressiuscula and Textularia agglutinans and the nature of sediments varies from slightly muddy sand to muddy sand. The third middle shelf biofacies from 83 to 150m water depth is composed of Asterorotalia dentata, Cassidulina laviegata, Cibicides subhaidingerii and Lenticulina thalmani that are found in muddy sand sediment. The fourth outer shelf biofacies consisting chiefly of Bolivina ordinaria, Brizalina spathulata, Bulimina aculeata, Cancris communis, Siphouvigerina proboscidea and Uvigerina parvula exists from the depth of 150-200m and related to sandy mud sediment. Two Paleo strandlines are identified at the depths of 49m and 105m, respectively, from the occurrence of relic forms along with soft coral sclerites. The shallower part of the seafloor up to 30m depth is dominated by sandy sediments, reflecting the prevalence of high-energy conditions. On the other hand, the deeper part contains sediments with more mud content formed in low-energy conditions. The spatial distribution of benthic foraminifera in this shelf region is chiefly controlled by the nature of sediments and the bathymetry. However, another factor, such as dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature and hydrodynamic conditions, seems to have an influence on the composition of benthic foraminiferal biofacies.
机译:在本研究中鉴定了确定孟加拉湾的架子部分中底栖多胺类生物酸的环境条件。评估水深,沉积物和底物,盐度,溶解氧和流体动力因子的可能变量。在来自研究区域的不同水深收集总共23种表面沉积物样品,并进行成像氨酰胺分析和沉积物表征。完全,确定了147种属于59个属和6个订单,只有22种是丰富的。丰富物种的簇(Q模式和R模式)分析导致鉴定与环境变量相关的四种不同的生物缩水。从0到38米的水深的最浅的生物缩进由氨Beccarii,Amphistegina radiata,Asterorotalia Pulchella和elhidium crispum表示,与桑迪沉积物相关。来自38至83米的水深的第二种生物缩具的特征在于食谱Wuellertorfi,喹啉脲柱,喹啉基·兰克,喹啉脲,喹啉基凝血酶,喹啉基骨凝聚蛋白和纹理沉积物的性质从略微泥泞的沙子变化。来自83至150米水深的第三个中间架生物酸盐由Asterorotalia Dentata,Cassidulina Laviegata,Cibicides Subhaidingerii和Lenticulina Thalmani组成,这些都在泥泞的沙沉淀中发现。第四个外壳生物覆盖物组成,主要是玻利维亚·蓬蒿,Brazalina Spathulata,BuliaMina Aculeata,Siphhouvierina proboscidea和uvigerina parvula的Bulivina Aculata和uvigerina parvula,并且与砂泥沉积物有关。从遗物形式的发生和软珊瑚硬质矿分别在49m和105米的深度处鉴定了两种古绞线。海底的较浅的一部分高达30米的深度是砂质沉积物的主导,反映了高能量条件的患病率。另一方面,更深的部分含有沉积物,在低能量条件下形成更多的泥浆含量。该货架区域的底栖花瓶的空间分布主要是由沉积物和碱基法的性质控制。然而,另一个因素,例如溶解的氧气,盐度,温度和流体动力学条件,似乎对底栖成氨基酸的组成有影响。



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