首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Research >Implementation of exclusion devices to mitigate seal (Arctocephalus australis, Otaria flavescens) incidental mortalities during bottom-trawling in the Falkland Islands (Southwest Atlantic)

Implementation of exclusion devices to mitigate seal (Arctocephalus australis, Otaria flavescens) incidental mortalities during bottom-trawling in the Falkland Islands (Southwest Atlantic)


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In the Falkland Islands, the South American fur seal and South American sea lion spatially overlap and interact with bottom-trawling fisheries. Until 2015, interactions of these species with the Patagonian bottom trawl squid fishery were uncommon. During the second fishing season 2017 a dramatic increase in seal interactions was observed, with a corresponding increase in incidental mortalities. Various mitigation measures were applied, seal exclusion devices (SEDs) fitted inside a net extension inserted between the trawl net and cod-end being the most efficient. The SEDs became mandatory in the fishery in September 2017. Since then, the number of seal mortalities remains negligible. SED efficiency is monitored by 100 % observer coverage. To the best of our knowledge, the Falkland Islands Patagonian squid fishery is currently the only trawl fishery in the Southwest Atlantic with full observer coverage and SED usage. It is hoped in the near future similar mitigation measures extend to other coastal countries whose fisheries also interact with these otariids.
机译:在福克兰群岛,南美毛皮密封和南美海狮在空间上重叠并与右下拖网渔业互动。直到2015年,这些物种与巴塔哥尼亚人底部拖网鱿鱼渔业的相互作用罕见。在2017年第二次捕捞季节期间,观察到密封相互作用的显着增加,偶然的死亡率相应增加。应用了各种缓解措施,密封排除装置(SED)安装在拖网网之间的净延伸部内,并且代码端是最有效的。 2017年9月,SED在渔业中成为强制性。从那时起,密封案的数量仍然可以忽略不计。通过100%观察者覆盖监测SED效率。据我们所知,福克兰群岛巴塔哥尼亚州鱿鱼渔业目前是西南大西洋中唯一的拖网渔业,拥有全面观察员覆盖范围和SED使用。它希望在不久的将来类似的缓解措施延伸到其他沿海国家,渔业也与这些Otariids互动。



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