首页> 外文期刊>Foster Natural Gas Report >Tenaska Vehemently Attacks Northern's Proposal To Require a Transportation Nomination in order for Natural Gas to be moved Between Pooling Points and Storage Points

Tenaska Vehemently Attacks Northern's Proposal To Require a Transportation Nomination in order for Natural Gas to be moved Between Pooling Points and Storage Points


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Tenaska Marketing Ventures (TMV) strongly protested an application filed on September 2 by Northern Natural Gas Co. (RP15-1251) that, as Tenaska describes it, "proposes to disassociate its long-standing pooling storage points from their associated MID pools." Pursuant to Northern’s proposed tariff revisions, these storage points are now identified “for informational purposes only.” By eliminating an original core feature of Rate Schedule MPS - the direct access by an MPS customer to the associated pooling storage points --Northern’s proposal represents a major degradation to an essential supply aggregation service that has been in place for nearly 17 years, claimed the customer. Tenaska asked for at least a full suspension because it believes the proposal "cripples Northern’s customers’ existing MPS contracts, and compromises those customers’ storage supply plans and dependent delivery arrangements at the worst possible time: the start of the upcoming winter heating season."
机译:Tenaska营销企业(TMV)强烈抗议北部天然气公司9月2日提交的申请,即德拉斯卡描述了它,“提议将其远离其相关的中间池中的长期汇集存储点拆卸。”根据北方的拟议拟议的关税修订,现在已经确定了这些存储点“仅限信息目的”。通过消除汇率计划MPS的原始核心特征 - MPS客户对相关的汇集存储点的直接访问 - 北角的提案代表了对近17年来的基本供应聚合服务的重大退化,声称顾客。德拉斯加要求至少全暂停暂停,因为它相信该提案“克莱普斯北方的客户现有的国会议员合同”,并妥协了这些客户的储存供应计划和依赖交付安排在最糟糕的时间:即将到来的冬季供热季节开始。“



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