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In the DNA:The complicated genetic relationship between wild and farmed salmon


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It might be surprising to some that wehumans share 99% of our DNA with ourclosest relations, the chimpanzee. Humansand chimps parted company between 5 and 6 million years ago. The first farmed salmon smolts were put to sea in Scotland in 1967. That is fifty-three years ago. The original stock was taken from local rivers several times over the years. The suggestion that farmed salmon are now distinct from the wild salmon they were taken from is simply nonsense. Farmed salmon are still very much Atlantic salmon. Of course, if someone was to look hard enough, there are differences in some of the genetic code, just as my genetic material is slightly different from my parents and my grandparents. It doesn't fundamentally change who I am.Salmon genetics have been in the news again following storm damage to the pens of a west coast salmon farm and the release of some of the stock into the open sea. One critic called this an environmental disaster comparable to an oil tanker running aground; clearly from someone who has no memory of the Braer or the Exxon Valdez.
机译:韦姆斯与牛皮斯特关系,韦姆斯人分享99%的DNA,这可能会令人惊讶的是,韦姆斯与黑猩猩。 Humansand Chimps与5至600万年前的公司分开。第一批农业鲑鱼斯普尔茨于1967年在苏格兰送到海上。这是五十三年前。多年来,原来的股票取自当地河流。养殖鲑鱼现在与野生鲑鱼不同的建议,他们被取自野生鲑鱼。养殖三文鱼仍然非常大的大西洋鲑鱼。当然,如果有人看起来很难,一些遗传密码存在差异,就像我的遗传物质与父母和祖父母略有不同一样。它并没有从根本上改变我是谁。萨尔莫尔遗传学在暴风雨损坏到西海岸鲑鱼农场的钢笔和一些股票中进入公海的遗传造成的遗传。一位评论家叫做这一环境灾难与搁值的油轮相当;显然来自没有烧烤或埃克森瓦尔兹的人的人。



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