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Case report of sudden death in a twin infant given melatonin supplementation: A challenging interpretation of postmortem toxicology


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Melatonin (MEL) is a neurohormone in humans produced in a number of locations. Starting with the amino acid tryptophan, MEL is produced through a number of enzymatic steps that includes serotonin as an intermediate compound. The primary production of MEL is in the pineal gland located in the brain. It is directly associated with the the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) located in the hypothalamus. In young and adult humans, the blood levels of MEL are typically in the picogram levels and produced in a cyclic schedule highly regulated by light detected in the retina by intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs), resulting in production primarily during periods of darkness. During periods of light, MEL levels are typically very low or undetectable. Basal levels of MEL in infants have been observed to be either undetectable or also in the picogram levels, although some medical treatment has involved administration of exogenous MEL resulting in peak levels in the nanogram range. MEL is considered to be well tolerated and there have been limited reports of toxicity. In this case, an infant was found unresponsive and cause of death was ruled as Undetermined. Melatonin was detected in the peripheral blood at a concentration of 1,400ng/mL. (C) 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:褪黑激素(MEL)是在许多地方生产的人类中的神经核核心。从氨基酸色氨酸开始,通过许多酶促步骤产生MEL,其包括血清素作为中间体化合物。 MEL的主要生产位于大脑中的松果腺中。它与位于下丘脑中的Suprachiasmatic Nucleus(SCN)直接相关。在年轻和成年人中,MEL的血液水平通常在皮科水平中,并在通过视网膜内检测到的视网膜神经节细胞(IPRGC)中检测到的光度高度调节的循环表中产生,导致主要在黑暗时期的产生。在光时期,MEL水平通常非常低或不可检测。已经观察到婴儿的基础MEL的基础是未检测到的或者也在皮科水平中,尽管一些医疗涉及纳入外源性MEL导致纳米图中的峰值水平。 MEL被认为是良好的耐受性,有限的毒性报告有限。在这种情况下,发现婴儿无响应,死亡的原因被裁定为未确定。以1,400ng / ml的浓度在外周血中检测到褪黑激素。 (c)2019年由elestvier b.v发布。



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