首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Animal Biosciences >Comparison of antibiotic resistance exhibited by some gram-ve bacteria isolated from untreated and antibiotic treated bovine ejaculate

Comparison of antibiotic resistance exhibited by some gram-ve bacteria isolated from untreated and antibiotic treated bovine ejaculate


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Artificial Insemination is an important technology worldwide for managed reproduction in farm animals. The international trade in bull semen is huge, with an estimated 243 million doses of semen produced annually (Thibier et al, 2000). The transmission of disease in semen is controlled through the European Commission Council Directive 88/407, amended in 2003 which describes the specific antibiotics and their minimum final concentration which must be added, prior to freezing, to control bacterial contaminants. This could lead to antibiotic resistance occurring in commensal bacteria and opportunistic pathogens found in the genital tract of cattle in response to this selection pressure (O'Brien 1997). This paper describes the bacterial profile of ejaculates collected from bulls standing in a cattle breeding centre, before and after processing. For some of the Gram -ve bacteria isolated and identified, their resistance to the antibiotics added routinely during semen processing was investigated.
机译:人工授精是全世界用于管理牲畜繁殖的重要技术。公牛精液的国际贸易是巨大的,估计每年生产2.43亿剂精液(Thibier等,2000)。精液中疾病的传播受到2003年修订的欧洲委员会理事会指令88/407的控制,该指令描述了特定的抗生素及其在冻结之前必须添加以控制细菌污染物的最低最终浓度。这种选择压力会导致在牛的生殖道中发现的共生细菌和机会病原体中产生抗生素抗性(O'Brien 1997)。本文介绍了处理前后从站在牛育种中心的公牛收集的射精的细菌谱。对于分离和鉴定的一些革兰氏细菌,研究了它们对精液加工过程中常规添加的抗生素的抗性。



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