首页> 外文期刊>ACS nano >3D brownian diffusion of submicron-sized particle clusters

3D brownian diffusion of submicron-sized particle clusters


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We report on the translation and rotation of particle clusters made through the combination of spherical building blocks. These clusters present ideal model systems to study the motion of objects with complex shape. Since they could be separated into fractions of well-defined configurations on a sufficient scale and because their overall dimensions were below 300 nm, the translational and rotational diffusion coefficients of particle doublets, triplets, and tetrahedrons could be determined by a combination of polarized dynamic light scattering (DLS) and depolarized dynamic light scattering (DDLS). The use of colloidal clusters for DDLS experiments overcomes the limitation of earlier experiments on the diffusion of complex objects near surfaces because the true 3D diffusion can be studied. When the exact geometry of the complex assemblies is known, different hydrodynamic models for calculating the diffusion coefficients for objects with complex shapes could be applied. Because hydrodynamic friction must be restricted to the cluster surface, the so-called shell model, in which the surface is represented as a shell of small friction elements, was most suitable to describe the dynamics. A quantitative comparison of the predictions from theoretical modeling with the results obtained by DDLS showed an excellent agreement between experiment and theory.
机译:我们报告了通过球形构建块的组合制成的粒子簇的平移和旋转。这些群集提供了理想的模型系统来研究具有复杂形状的对象的运动。由于可以将它们以足够的规模分成清晰定义的结构的一部分,并且由于它们的整体尺寸在300 nm以下,因此可以通过偏振动态光的组合来确定粒子双峰,三重态和四面体的平移和旋转扩散系数散射(DLS)和去偏振动态光散射(DDLS)。 DDLS实验中使用胶体团簇克服了早期实验对复杂物体在表面附近扩散的局限性,因为可以研究真正的3D扩散。当知道复杂组件的确切几何形状时,可以应用不同的流体动力学模型来计算具有复杂形状的对象的扩散系数。由于必须将流体动力摩擦限制在团簇表面上,因此最适合描述动力学的所谓壳模型(其中壳表面表示为小的摩擦元件的壳)。将理论模型的预测结果与DDLS的结果进行定量比较,表明实验与理论之间有很好的一致性。



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