首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Animal Biosciences >Effect of level and source of protein supply on the performance of ewes during late pregnancyand early lactation

Effect of level and source of protein supply on the performance of ewes during late pregnancyand early lactation


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Implications Ewes do not respond to additional MP supply above requirements. Rape seed meal and field beans can beused to effectively replace soya bean meal in ewe diets.Introduction The metabolisable protein (MP) requirements of ewes increase during late pregnancy and early lactation(AFRC, 1993). Failure to meet these requirements may reduce ewe and lamb performance. Over the last few years geneticselection for higher productivity has resulted in increased lamb birth weights and levels of milk production, such thatcurrent feeding standards may underestimate MP requirements (Robinson, 2001). In addition, the U.K. is heavily reliant onimported protein sources, which carry a high environmental burden, and pose a risk to food security (AHDB, 2012). Theobjective of the study was to investigate the effect of level and source of protein supply on ewe and lamb performance.



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