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Prophylaxis and Treatment of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting


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Postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) continues to present a vexing challenge to anesthesia providers. Since being termed "our big little problem" in 1991 by Kapur, it has been one of the most extensively studied topics in anesthesia literature. Indeed, during the period from 1993 to 2003, Medline lists 799 articles published in the English language on PONV. Yet the question of who should receive prophylaxis versus treatment remains controversial. When Kapur called our attention to this problem, the question was, What can we do about this problem? The answer to that question is now known. Scuderi et al has shown that we can provide an anesthetic to high-risk patients that is nearly 100% effective in preventing PONV. The question we now must answer is, Who should receive the additional resources that must be expended to prevent PONV? And how much should be expended to that end?
机译:术后恶心和呕吐(PONV)继续给麻醉提供者带来严峻的挑战。自1991年被卡普尔(Kapur)称为“我们的大小问题”以来,它一直是麻醉文学中研究最广泛的主题之一。实际上,在1993年至2003年期间,Medline在PONV上列出了799篇以英语发布的文章。然而,谁应该接受预防与治疗的问题仍然存在争议。当卡普尔(Kapur)提请我们注意这个问题时,问题是:该问题我们能做什么?现在已经知道该问题的答案。 Scuderi等人已经表明,我们可以为高危患者提供在预防PONV方面几乎100%有效的麻醉剂。我们现在必须回答的问题是,谁应该获得为防止PONV而必须花费的额外资源?为此,应该花多少钱?



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