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Analysis on the Extreme Heat Wave over China around Yangtze River Region in the Summer of 2013 and Its Main Contributing Factors


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In the summer of 2013, a rare extreme heat wave occurred in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China. Based on high resolution reanalysis data from ECMWF, comprehensive analyses on the associated atmospheric circulation and the sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) were provided. The stable and strong West Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) was the direct cause for the heat wave. The WPSH had four westward extensions, which brought about four hot spells in southern China. The South Asia High (SAH) at 150 hPa was more eastward and more northward than normal. The strong Hadley circulation in the central and western Pacific and the anomalous easterlies at 500 hPa and 250 hPa in the middle and high latitudes were favorable for more hot days (HDs). The total HDs in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River had close relationships with the zonal wind anomalies in the middle and high latitudes, the SSTA in the Indian Ocean and Pacific, and the dry soil conditions of the Yangtze River Valley in spring and summer. The anomalies of the tropical, subtropical, and polar circulation and the underlying surfaces could be responsible for this extreme heat wave.
机译:2013年夏天,中国长江中下游发生了罕见的极端热浪。基于ECMWF的高分辨率再分析数据,对相关的大气环流和海表温度异常(SSTA)进行了综合分析。稳定而强劲的西太平洋副热带高压(WPSH)是热浪的直接原因。 WPSH有四个向西扩展,在中国南部带来了四个热点。 150 hPa的南亚高压(SAH)比正常水平更偏东,更偏北。中太平洋和西太平洋强烈的哈德利环流以及中高纬度500 hPa和250 hPa的异常东风有利于炎热的天气(HD)。长江中下游的总风速与中高纬度的纬向风距平,印度洋和太平洋的SSTA以及春季和春季长江流域的干旱土壤条件密切相关。夏季。热带,亚热带和极地环流及其下垫面的异常可能是这种极端热浪的原因。



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