首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Meteorology >Dominant Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Systems for the Extreme Precipitation over the Western Sichuan Basin in Summer 2013

Dominant Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Systems for the Extreme Precipitation over the Western Sichuan Basin in Summer 2013


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The western Sichuan Basin (WSB) is a rainstorm center influenced by complicated factors such as topography and circulation. Based on multivariable empirical orthogonal function technique for extreme precipitation processes (EPP) in WSB in 2013, this study reveals the dominant circulation patterns. Results indicate that the leading modes are characterized by "Saddle" and "Sandwich" structures, respectively. In one mode, a TC from the South China Sea (SCS) converts into the inverted trough and steers warm moist airflow northward into the WSB. At the same time, WPSH extends westward over the Yangtze River and conveys a southeasterly warm humid flow. In the other case, WPSH is pushed westward by TC in the Western Pacific and then merges with an anomalous anticyclone over SCS. The anomalous anticyclone and WPSH form a conjunction belt and convey the warm moist southwesterly airflow to meet with the cold flow over the WSB. The configurations of WPSH and TC in the tropic and the blocking and trough in the midhigh latitudes play important roles during the EPPs over the WSB. The persistence of EPPs depends on the long-lived large-scale circulation configuration steady over the suitable positions.
机译:四川盆地西部地区(WSB)是受地形和环流等复杂因素影响的暴雨中心。基于2013年WSB极端降水过程的多变量经验正交函数技术,本研究揭示了主导环流模式。结果表明,领先模式分别以“鞍形”和“三明治”结构为特征。一种模式是,来自南中国海(SCS)的TC转换为倒槽,并将温暖的潮湿气流向北引导到WSB。同时,WPSH向西延伸至长江上方,并输送东南暖湿流。在另一种情况下,WPSH被西太平洋的TC向西推,然后与SCS上反常的反旋风合并。异常的反气旋和WPSH形成一条连接带,并向西南方向传递温暖湿润的西南气流,使其与WSB上的冷气流相遇。热带的WPSH和TC的构造以及中高纬度的阻塞和低谷在WSB的EPP期间起着重要作用。 EPP的持久性取决于长期稳定在合适位置的大规模循环结构。



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