首页> 外文期刊>Geochemistry International >Separation of Concentrated Acid and Salt Solutions in Nanoporous Media as the Basis for a New Technology of Processing of Phosphorus-Containing Raw Materials

Separation of Concentrated Acid and Salt Solutions in Nanoporous Media as the Basis for a New Technology of Processing of Phosphorus-Containing Raw Materials


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The physical and mathematical models were used to study the method of acid retardation for separating acids from their salts in concentrated multicomponent solutions using nanoporous sorption materials. A combined mechanism of separation relies on the fact that in the sorption phase having a low dielectric permittivity, smaller-sized acid particles, namely, the molecules or strongly bound and weakly hydrated ion pairs, can penetrate the nanopores and are retained within these pores due to molecular sorption or competitive solvation forces. The dissolved salts presented by highly hydrated ions or weakly bound ion pairs can easily pass through the porous medium with a flow of concentrated solution, which is pumped through the column packed with the granulated bed of gel-type ion exchange resins or hypercrosslinked polymers. In conventional cyclic AR processes, purified acid is desorbed by water according to the mechanism of competitive solvation. However, such processes can be successfully used only when the salts separated from acids are highly soluble, as is the case with chloride and nitrate solutions free of components that may form compounds insoluble in neutral medium. At the separation in real sulfate and phosphate media, which normally contain alkaline earth metals and other components, conventional AR- based technologies proved to be unsuccessful. The new modified version of acid retardation is based on the previously discovered effect of stabilization of colloidal systems and supersaturated solutions in porous ion exchange media. A distinctive feature of the proposed technique is the use of weakly acidic aqueous solutions, instead of water, at the stages of acid displace in the cyclic AR processes. The proposed technique of WPA purification using strong-base gel-type ion exchangers in the phosphate form opens up the possibility of stable and feasible processes of acid separation and purification with simultaneous extraction of valuable components, e.g., REE concentrate.



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