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Extreme Thermal Shielding Effects in Nanopaper Based on Multilayers of Aligned Clay Nanoplatelets in Cellulose Nanofiber Matrix


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Currently used flame retardants for polymers, such as some halogen compounds, are often recognized as being environmentally hazardous due to the risk of bioaccumulation in humans and the production of toxic byproducts during fires. Furthermore, in specific applications such as protective garment for fire fighters or interior components in aircrafts, it is desirable to have thin, lightweight, flexible/moldable, and more efficient flame shielding solutions. A few commercially available inherently flame retardant polymers exist, including polyphenylenesulfide and oxidized polyacrylonitrile. However, these high temperature polymers, especially in the form of fibers, are expensive and have substantial environmental impact in terms of high energy expenditure and carbon footprint. Although biobased cellulosic fibers are used in flame retardant applications, the required chemical modification routes utilize toxic chemicals, as is apparent from reviews on commercial materials. The potential of clay as a “green” nanocomponent in fire retardant textiles has been demonstrated using thin clay-polymer coatings applied in a layer-bylayer (LbL) nanotechnology approach with closely controlled nanostructure and high clay content. The LbL technique is versatile in that different types of particles can be used in the layers, but it is also slow since each deposited layer tends to be very thin thus requiring a high number of layers (20–40) to reach the desired performance. Recently, somewhat thicker (4–6 μm) fire retardant coatings containing 82–87 wt% clay were produced by LbL and showed good performances already with less than ten bilayers when deposited on a polystyrene sheet of 3.2 mm thickness. Still, for the purpose of thicker films or coatings in the 50–100 μm range, the LbL technique is in many cases impractical.
机译:由于用于人类的生物蓄积和在火灾中产生有毒副产物的风险,目前公认的用于聚合物的阻燃剂(例如某些卤素化合物)对环境有害。此外,在诸如消防员的防护服或飞机的内部部件的特定应用中,期望具有薄,轻量,柔性/可模制且更有效的火焰屏蔽解决方案。存在几种可商购的固有阻燃聚合物,包括聚苯硫醚和氧化的聚丙烯腈。但是,这些高温聚合物,特别是纤维形式的高温聚合物价格昂贵,并且在高能量消耗和碳足迹方面具有重大的环境影响。尽管生物基纤维素纤维用于阻燃剂应用,但所需的化学修饰途径利用有毒化学物质,这可从商业材料的评论中明显看出。使用薄层粘土(LbL)纳米技术方法,具有紧密控制的纳米结构和高粘土含量的薄粘土聚合物涂层,已经证明了粘土在阻燃纺织品中作为“绿色”纳米组分的潜力。 LbL技术用途广泛,可以在各层中使用不同类型的颗粒,但是它也很慢,因为每个沉积层往往非常薄,因此需要大量的层(20-40)才能达到所需的性能。最近,LbL生产了含有82-87 wt%粘土的稍厚(4–6μm)的防火涂料,当沉积在3.2 mm厚度的聚苯乙烯板上时,双层不到十层,已经显示出良好的性能。但是,出于50-100μm范围内较厚的膜或涂层的目的,LbL技术在许多情况下是不切实际的。



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