首页> 外文期刊>European journal of social psychology >Whom to punish? How observers sanction norm-violating behavior in ostracism situations

Whom to punish? How observers sanction norm-violating behavior in ostracism situations

机译:谁惩罚? 观察员如何在排除主义情况下制裁规范违规行为

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When observing ostracism, individuals can either side with the target or the sources of ostracism. Here we demonstrate that side-taking depends on whether the target previously acted in adherence to or in violation of perceived social norms. In four studies, a target behaved either norm-consistently or violated a social norm, and was subsequently either excluded by the sources or was not. Next, participants could sanction the behavior of the observed persons by refraining to assign money (Studies 1 and 2), or by subtracting money from a bonus (Studies 3 and 4). Observers assigned less money to the sources when these excluded a norm-consistent target. However, when the target had violated a social norm before, participants assigned less money to the target instead. These results have far-reaching implications because the (in)actions of neutral individuals can legitimize the sources' behavior, or help a target under attack.
机译:当观察排斥性时,个体可以与目标或排斥性源的侧面。 在这里,我们证明侧面取决于先前遵守或违反所感知的社会规范的目标。 在四项研究中,目标表现了规范 - 一致或违反了社会规范,随后被遗传来源被排除或不是。 接下来,参与者可以通过拒绝分配资金(研究1和2)或通过从奖金中减去资金(研究3和4)来制定观察到的人的行为。 观察者当这些排除符合规范的目标时,观察者向来源分配了较少的资金。 但是,当目标违反社会规范之前,参与者将少赚钱给目标。 这些结果具有深远的影响,因为中立个人的(In)行动可以合法化来源的行为,或帮助攻击的目标。



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