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Short-Term Changes of Biotite in Various Particle-Size Fractions of Podzolic Soil in a Model Field Experiment


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An experiment on the transformation of test biotite of the clay fraction (<1 mu m) and the medium silt fraction (5-10 mu m) immersed into the AELoa horizon of podzolic soil for one or three years was performed. Partial transformation of biotite in the medium silt and clay fractions into irregular biotite-vermiculite under the modern pedogenesis conditions within one year of incubation in the AELoa horizon of podzolic soil was demonstrated. A considerable part of biotite was transformed into irregular biotite-vermiculite and biotite-vermiculite-pedogenic chlorite, and small amounts of vermiculite and pedogenic chlorite were formed after three years of incubation in the soil. Biotite transformation into expandable minerals was accompanied by the decrease in the layer charge, loss of interlayer K, and loss of Mg and Fe from the octahedral lattice. Mica transformation was most significant in the medium silt fraction: the overall decrease in the share of nonexpandable biotite layers and in the thickness of biotite crystallites after three years of incubation was more pronounced in this fraction than in the clay fraction.
机译:进行了粘土馏分(<1μm)的试验生物局的转化实验,浸入沉浸在豆类土壤的Aeloa地平线一或三年中的介质淤泥馏分(5-10μm)。证明了在潮汐土壤Aeloa地平线孵育的一年内,在现代生物素 - 蛭石中将Biotite在中等淤泥和粘土馏分中的部分转化为不规则的生物素 - 蛭石。将相当大部分的Biotite转化为不规则的Biotite-蛭石和生物烟酒 - 蛭石 - 生物氯酸盐,并且在土壤中孵育三年后形成少量蛭石和生物氯酸盐。 Biotite转化成可扩张的矿物质伴随着层电荷,中间层损失的损失,以及来自八面体晶格的Mg和Fe的损失。云母转化在媒体淤泥部分中最显着:非浸润后三年孵育后非己立品层层的份额和生物素微晶厚度的总体减少在该级分中比粘土馏分更加明显。



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