首页> 外文期刊>Environmental Entomology >Influence of Winter Cover Crop Mulch on Arthropods in a Reduced Tillage Cucurbit System

Influence of Winter Cover Crop Mulch on Arthropods in a Reduced Tillage Cucurbit System


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Winter cover crop mulches can diversify agricultural habitats and provide a range of benefits for crop production and pest management. Here we report the influence of strip tilled winter cover crop mulches on arthropod abundance in organic vegetable plots. Crookneck squash (Cucurbita pepo L.; Cucurbitales: Cucurbitaceae) was direct seeded into mowed and strip tilled barley (Hordeum vulgare L.; Poales: Poaceae), crimson clover (Trifolium incarnatum L.; Fabales: Fabaceae), a barley + crimson clover mixture, or a no-cover crop control. Arthropods on squash plants were assessed weekly using visual counts. Seed predation was assessed using weed seed arenas. In 2013, mixed species cover crops produced the most ground cover, fewest weeds, and largest squash plants, but herbivore and predator abundance were not correlated with any of those factors. In 2014, mixed species cover crops again produced the most ground cover and fewest weeds, but the largest squash plants were found in no-cover crop control plots, which also had the highest herbivore abundance per plant. Predator and herbivore abundance were positively correlated with squash plant size in 2014. There were no differences in seed predation across treatments. Differences in ground cover biomass and weed presence between the 2 yr may have contributed to differences in squash plant quality and subsequent herbivore abundance between seasons. Results suggest that arthropods on plants responded largely indirectly to cover crops through host plant quality. Results are interpreted in light of overall costs and benefits of cover cropping.
机译:冬季覆盖作物覆盖物可以多样化农业栖息地,为作物生产和害虫管理提供一系列益处。在这里,我们举报了带状耕种冬季覆盖覆盖物对有机蔬菜地块中节肢动物丰富的影响。 Crookneck南瓜(Cucurbita Pepo L.;葫芦科:Cucurbitaceae)直接播种到割草和剥离大麦(Hordeum Vulgare L. Poales:Poaceae),Crifson Clover(Trifolium Incarnatum L.; Fabales:Fabacees),大麦+ Crimson三叶草混合物或无覆盖作物控制。使用视觉计数评估南瓜植物上的节肢动物。使用杂草种子竞技评估种子捕食。 2013年,混合物种封面作物产生了最多的地面覆盖,最少的杂草和最大的壁球植物,但食草动物和捕食者丰富与任何这些因素都没有相关。 2014年,混合物种覆盖作物再次产生了最多的地面覆盖率和最少的杂草,但在无盖作物控制地块中发现最大的南瓜植物,该地块也具有每种植物最高的食草动物丰度。捕食者和草食动物丰富于2014年与南瓜植物大小呈正相关。治疗的种子捕食没有差异。地面覆盖生物质和杂草在2年之间存在的差异可能导致南瓜植物质量的差异和随后的季节之间的草食性丰富。结果表明,植物的节肢动物在很大程度上间接反应,以通过宿主植物质量覆盖作物。结果是鉴于覆盖裁剪的总体成本和益处的解释。



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