Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis
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Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis


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AbstractIn this article we investigate the prospects for large-scale hydropower deployment in Ethiopia. With two distinct modelling approaches we find high projections for future hydropower generation: between 71 and 87?TWh/yr by 2050 in a stringent climate change control scenario in which Ethiopia contributes substantially to global efforts to reach the 2?°C target of the Paris Agreement. This elevated level is obtained despite domestic water use and irrigated agriculture water demand expansions, and irrespective of hydrological effects from climate change in terms of a drop in average precipitation nation-wide. This amount of hydro-electricity production matches the expected national hydropower potential. Yet, we encourage authorities to take due account of the large impact that climate change may have on rainfall during particular months or years at individual water reservoirs, which we think should be researched in greater detail. Our combined energy cost-minimisation and hydrological balance analysis shows that our models can be jointly used for the assessment of hydropower as climate change mitigation option, and can assist in the design of policies that integrate the energy and water sectors. Our case study did not yield direct reasons for the Ethiopian government to swiftly stop pursuing its current ambitious national hydropower development plan, but we encourage it to adequately internalise an extensive range of factors – including environmental, geopolitical and social – that may induce it to take a different course.Highlights?With two models we assess the desirable and feasible level of hydropower in Ethiopia.?On economic and hydrological grounds we find it may increase to 71–87?TWh/yr in 2050.?This projected amount of hydro-electricity generation seems in reach of the national potential.?It is obtained despite possible average domestic hydrological effects from climate change.?Environmental, geopolitical, social and local climatic factors may lower it substantially.]]>
机译:<![CDATA [ 抽象 在本文中,我们调查埃塞俄比亚大规模水电部署的前景。有两个不同的建模方法,我们发现未来水电站的高预测:在71到87岁之间,在2050年间,在严格的气候变化控制场景中,埃塞俄比亚大量努力达到巴黎的2?°C目标的努力协议。尽管国内用水和灌溉农业水需求扩展,但不管气候变化的水经效应如何,均可获得这种升高的水平。这笔数量的水力电力生产与预期的国家水电潜力相匹配。然而,我们鼓励当局应有适当叙述,即在特定几个月或多年来在各个水库的降雨可能对降雨量的巨大影响,我们认为应该更详细地研究。我们的综合能源成本 - 最小化和水文平衡分析表明,我们的模型可以共同用来评估水电作为气候变化缓解选项,并可以协助设计整合能源和水部门的政策。我们的案例研究并没有产生埃塞俄比亚政府的直接原因,以迅速停止追求其当前的雄心勃勃的国家水电开发计划,但我们鼓励它充分内化了广泛的因素 - 包括环境,地缘政治和社会 - 可能会引起它一个不同的课程。 突出显示 我们评估埃塞俄比亚的理想和可行的水电层面的模型。 在EC上融色和水文理由我们发现它可能会增加到71-87?TWH / YR在2050年。 这种预计的水力发电量似乎在国家潜力范围内。 尽管可能的平均国内水文获得了它。气候变化的影响。 环境,地缘政治,社会和地方气候因素可能会大大降低。 ]]>



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