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Autonomous water Treatment systems still Need Humans


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Remote monitoring of water treatment creates efficiency by letting a few people monitor whole fields. When the digital oil field arrives, which it really already has, there will still be a significant human component, at least for the foreseeable future. While artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can process huge amounts of data to make operational decisions (e.g., detecting a full tank and shutting off a pump or rerouting its flow), many of those decisions involve weighing too many and often subjective priorities to be left to AI and machine learning alone. What these ever-growing digital tools can do, however, is allow a small number of humans at monitoring centers to track dozens of wells across hundreds of miles of remote landscape, deploying additional resources only when there is a perceived problem detected by this human-machine operations team.
机译:通过让少数人监测整个领域,远程监测水处理会产生效率。 当数字油田到达时,它真的已经有了,仍然会有一个重要的人类组成部分,至少对于可预见的未来。 虽然人工智能(AI)和机器学习可以处理大量数据以进行操作决策(例如,检测到全坦克并关闭泵或转移或重新排出其流量),但许多决定涉及称为太多和经常的主观优先级 独自留给AI和机器学习。 然而,这些不断增长的数字工具可以做些什么是允许监控中心的少数人类来跟踪数十英里的远程景观,只有当这个人检测到的感知问题时,才能部署其他资源 机器运营团队。



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