首页> 外文期刊>Izvestiya. Mathematics >Vlasov-type and Liouville-type equations, their microscopic, energetic and hydrodynamical consequences

Vlasov-type and Liouville-type equations, their microscopic, energetic and hydrodynamical consequences


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We give a derivation of the Vlasov-Maxwell and VlasovPoisson- Poisson equations from the Lagrangians of classical electrodynamics. The equations of electromagnetic hydrodynamics (EMHD) and electrostatics with gravitation are derived from them by means of a 'hydrodynamical' substitution. We obtain and compare the Lagrange identities for various types of Vlasov equations and EMHD equations. We discuss the advantages of writing the EMHD equations in Godunov's double divergence form. We analyze stationary solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson-Poisson equation, which give rise to non-linear elliptic equations with various properties and various kinds of behaviour of the trajectories of particles as the mass passes through a critical value. We show that the classical equations can be derived from the Liouville equation by the Hamilton-Jacobi method and give an analogue of this procedure for the Vlasov equation as well as in the non-Hamiltonian case.
机译:我们从古典电动力学的拉格朗日提供vlasov-maxwell和vlasovpoisson-poisson方程的推导。 通过“流体动力学”取代,电磁流体动力学(EMHD)和具有引力的静电等方程。 我们获取并比较各种类型的Vlasov方程和EMHD方程的拉格朗日标识。 我们讨论了在戈杜夫的双重分歧形式中写出了emhd方程的优势。 我们分析了Vlasov-Poisson-Poisson方程的固定解,这导致具有各种性质的非线性椭圆方程和颗粒轨迹的各种行为,因为质量通过临界值。 我们表明汉林·雅各的方法可以从哈尔顿 - Jacobi方法中源自哈尔维尔方程,并为Vlasov方程以及非哈密顿的情况提供这个过程的类似物。



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