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Pitch of a Sequence of Two Short Tones and the Critical Pause Duration


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Pitch of "tone doublets" (TDs), of a sequence of two identical short tones separated by a pause, was examined. The values of carrier frequencies, /<., of the tones were between 750 Hz and 1250 Hz. Each of the two tones consisted of eight periods. By changing the duration of the pause it was possible to obtain TDs with spectral maxima above (type TDA), below (type TDB) and at (type TDC) the /c. Subjects adjusted frequency (denoted here as fp) of a 300 ms long tone to match the pitch of the TDs. The medians of frequencies fp of pitch matches for the TDAs were higher than of the /ps for the TDBs. The difference in the medians for the two types of TDs indicated that pitch was related to the spectra of the TDs. However, the medians of /ps for the TDAs and TDBs were not at the main maxima of their spectra. The fp of TDAs was around fc and the pitch of TDBs was shifted toward lower frequencies, between the spectral main maxima and the fc. The pitch matches for types TDA and TDB were apart up to the pause duration of 8 ms, and converged at the 16 ms pause. This seemed to indicate that there was a critical duration of the pause that separated the auditory processing of the two tones of the TDs and that that pause was between 8 and 16 ms long.
机译:检查了由暂停分隔的两个相同短音序列的“双音调”(TD)的音高。音调的载波频率值在750 Hz和1250 Hz之间。两个音调均由八个周期组成。通过更改暂停的持续时间,可以获得频谱最大值在/ c之上(TDA类型),低于(TDB类型)和(TDC类型)的TD。受试者调整了300 ms长音的频率(在此表示为fp)以匹配TD的音调。 TDA的音高匹配频率fp的中值高于TDB的/ ps。两种TD的中位数差异表明,音高与TD的光谱有关。但是,TDA和TDB的/ ps中位数不在其光谱的最大值处。 TDA的fp约为fc,并且TDB的音调在频谱最大最大值与fc之间朝着较低的频率偏移。 TDA和TDB类型的音高匹配被分开到8 ms的暂停持续时间,并以16 ms的暂停收敛。这似乎表明,有一个关键的暂停持续时间将TD的两个音调的听觉处理分开,并且该暂停的时间介于8到16毫秒之间。



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