首页> 外文期刊>Acustica >Sound radiation by an axisymmetrical elastic body in a harmonic field [French]

Sound radiation by an axisymmetrical elastic body in a harmonic field [French]


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A surface Helmholtz integral system is used to obtain the solution of the steady-state acoustic radiation problem for a bounded elastic or rigid body. It leads to the solution of a system of four coupled integral equations governing the radiated pressure and the three displacements vector components at the body surface. A finite-element method is used to compute numerically this system with an original treatment of the integral-equation kernel singularities, consisting in isolating the singularities and applying an asymptotic expansions to the complete elliptic integrals. This method is successfully tested on the case of a rigid sphere submitted to a plane acoustic field and the case of an elastic sphere in a contant field, and then applied to the case of a steel made 'LINE' -which is a straight cylinder with hemispherical endcaps - subjected in the water to an axial plane acoustic field. [References: 23]
机译:表面亥姆霍兹积分系统用于获得有界弹性或刚体的稳态声辐射问题的解决方案。这导致了一个由四个耦合积分方程组成的系统的解,该方程控制了体表的辐射压力和三个位移矢量分量。使用有限元方法对该系统进行数值计算,并对积分方程核奇异性进行原始处理,包括隔离奇异性并将渐近展开式应用于完整的椭圆积分。该方法已成功地经受了平面声场作用下的刚性球体和紧随其后的电场作用下的弹性球体的测试,然后再应用于钢制“ LINE”(直线型圆柱体)半球形端盖-在水中经受轴向平面声场。 [参考:23]



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