首页> 外文期刊>International journal of technology and design education >The influence of a designers' mind-set on their design process and design outcomes

The influence of a designers' mind-set on their design process and design outcomes


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Mind-sets are expected to influence the process of designing, which require designers to successfully integrate complex decision-making processes into good design solutions. The study reported here analyses whether differences in mind-sets shown by design students can influence their design processes and impact the quality of the design solutions that they produce. The considerations, design activities and quality of solutions that design students produced in response to a given design task are examined to make an inference of mind-sets in actual design situations. 45 undergraduate students majoring in industrial design filled in a questionnaire that assessed their mind-set, and engaged in a design task. Two general types of mindsets can be discerned empirically: discerning and opportunistic. Significant differences between design students with a discerning or opportunistic mind-set could be observed. Evidence for the cultivation of a discerning mind-set in designing is found. Building on these results, recommendations on how to potentially support design teaching and learning are discussed.
机译:预计思维集会影响设计过程,这需要设计人员成功将复杂的决策流程集成为良好的设计解决方案。本研究报告在此分析了设计学生所显示的心态差异是否可以影响其设计过程并影响它们产生的设计解决方案的质量。考虑到响应给定设计任务的学生制作的解决方案的考虑因素,设计活动和质量,以便在实际设计情况下推动思维集。 45家本科生专业的工业设计填写填写的调查问卷,评估他们的思维态度,并从事设计任务。两种一般类型的心态都可以验证:辨别和机会主义。可以观察到具有挑剔或机会主义思维的设计学生之间的显着差异。发现了在设计中培养挑剔的思维思维的证据。建立这些结果,讨论了如何潜在地支持设计教学和学习的建议。



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