
Local keypoint-based Faster R-CNN


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Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN) detectors have achieved state-of-the-art results on various challenging benchmarks. Although R-CNN has achieved high detection performance, the research of local information in producing candidates is insufficient. In this paper, we design a Keypoint-based Faster R-CNN (K-Faster) method for object detection. K-Faster incorporates local keypoints in Faster R-CNN to improve the detection performance. In detail, a sparse descriptor, which first detects the points of interest in a given image and then samples a local patch and describes its invariant features, is first employed to produce keypoints. All 2-combinations of the produced keypoints are second selected to generate keypoint anchors, which are helpful for object detection. The heterogeneously distributed anchors are then encoded in feature maps based on their areas and center coordinates. Finally, the keypoint anchors are coupled with the anchors produced by Faster R-CNN, and the coupled anchors are used for Region Proposal Network (RPN) training. Comparison experiments are implemented on PASCAL VOC 07/12 and MS COCO. The experimental results show that our K-Faster approach not only increases the mean Average Precision (mAP) performance but also improves the positioning precision of the detected boxes.
机译:基于地区的卷积神经网络(R-CNN)探测器已经实现了各种具有挑战性的基准的最新结果。虽然R-CNN已经实现了高的检测性能,但在生产候选人中的本地信息的研究不足。在本文中,我们设计了基于关键点的R-CNN(K-FASTER)方法进行对象检测。 K-FASTER在更快的R-CNN中包含本地关键点以提高检测性能。详细地,首先检测给定图像中的感兴趣点,然后对本地修补程序进行采样并描述其不变特征的稀疏描述符,首先用于生成关键点。所产生的关键点的所有2组合都是选择生成关键点锚点的,这有助于对象检测。然后基于其区域和中心坐标在特征图中编码异构分布锚。最后,关键点锚固件与由更快的R-CNN产生的锚固件耦合,并且耦合锚固件用于区域提案网络(RPN)训练。比较实验在Pascal VOC 07/12和MS COCO上实施。实验结果表明,我们的K-越快方法不仅增加了平均平均精度(MAP)性能,而且提高了检测到的盒子的定位精度。



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