首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Quality and Innovation >A conceptual framework of the relationship between total quality management, corporate social responsibility, innovation capability, and financial performance

A conceptual framework of the relationship between total quality management, corporate social responsibility, innovation capability, and financial performance


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Total quality management, corporate social responsibility, and innovation are considered as strategic orientations allowing the achievement of a sustainable competitive advantage. However, there is a gap in the literature regarding the study of the links between these three concepts in a single analysis, the majority of researchers do not gather the study of these three concepts at once, as they do not as well link them to the financial performance. The main purpose of this conceptual paper is to examine the relationship between quality, innovation, corporate social responsibility and financial performance. We are aiming to build a conceptual framework with a particular emphasis on the role that may be played by TQM practices in the development of the bidirectional link between corporate social responsibility-innovation capability, and its impact on the improvement of the firm's financial performance.
机译:全面质量管理,企业社会责任和创新被视为战略取向,允许实现可持续的竞争优势。 然而,文献中存在差距关于这三个概念之间的联系在一个分析中,大多数研究人员立即不会收集这三个概念的研究,因为它们并不是掌握它们 财务绩效。 这种概念论文的主要目的是审查质量,创新,企业社会责任和财务业绩之间的关系。 我们旨在建立一个特别强调在企业社会责任创新能力之间发展双向联系的TQM实践中可能扮演的概念框架,并对公司财务表现的改善的影响。



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