首页> 外文期刊>International journal of osteoarchaeology >A remarkable case of gout in the Imperial Rome: Surgery and diseases in antiquity by osteoarchaeological, paleopathological, and historical perspectives

A remarkable case of gout in the Imperial Rome: Surgery and diseases in antiquity by osteoarchaeological, paleopathological, and historical perspectives


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This study is the result of a multidisciplinary approach and focuses on a case of considerable historical and medical interest. The work originally stemmed from findings at a funerary site in the area of Casal Bertone in Rome (Italy), regards an individual in a tomb identified simply by the number "75." The skeletal alterations that were later discovered gave rise a debate among the members of the team. Challenges in identifying the pathology have brought historians, anthropologists, and radiologists into the field with the use of sophisticated equipment, including CT scans and X-ray equipment, as well as some analyses carried out with the latest spectrometers. Consequently, the most likely diagnostic hypothesis resulted in gout. During this work, each area of study dealt with the problem in a different manner, allowing for a greater understanding of gout at this point in history, how this pathology might have influenced a person's life, as well as the medical approaches and techniques used to treat it in the imperial age of the second century BCE.
机译:本研究是多学科方法的结果,重点介绍了相当历史和医学兴趣的情况。最初的工作源于罗马的Casal Bertone领域的殡葬网站(意大利),以至于仅由数字“75”的坟墓中的个人。被发现后来发现的骨骼改变引发了团队成员之间的辩论。通过使用复杂的设备因此,最可能的诊断假设导致痛风。在这项工作期间,每个研究领域以不同的方式处理问题,允许在历史上的这一点上更加了解痛风,这种病理如何影响一个人的生命,以及用于习惯的医学方法和技术在BCE的皇帝时代对待它。



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