
Double dark matter admixed neutron star


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The dark matter (DM) in neutron stars can exist from the lifetime of the progenitor or when captured by this compact object. The properties of DM that enter the neutron stars through each step could be different from each other. Here, we investigate the structure of neutron stars which are influenced by the DM in two processes. Applying a generalization of two-fluid formalism to three-fluid one and the equation-of-state from the rotational curves of galaxies, we explore the structure of double DM admixed neutron stars. The behavior of the neutron and DM portions for these stars is considered. In addition, the influence of the DM equations of state on the stars with different contributions of visible and DM are studied. The gravitational redshift of these stars in different cases of DM equations of state is investigated.
机译:中子恒星中的暗物质(DM)可以从祖先的寿命或被该紧凑型物体捕获时存在。 通过每个步骤进入中子恒星的DM的性质可以彼此不同。 在这里,我们研究了两种过程中受DM影响的中子恒星的结构。 从星系的旋转曲线上施加双流体形式主义的三种流体形式和状态方程,我们探讨了双DM混合中子恒星的结构。 考虑了这些恒星的中子和DM部分的行为。 此外,研究了DM状态的影响与可见和DM不同贡献的恒星。 研究了这些恒星在不同DM状态方程的不同情况下的引力红移。



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