首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Multiphase Flow >Influence of coherent vortex structures in subgrid scale motions on particle statistics in homogeneous isotropic turbulence

Influence of coherent vortex structures in subgrid scale motions on particle statistics in homogeneous isotropic turbulence


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Subgrid scale (SGS) structures in large eddy simulations (LES) of turbulent particle-laden flows significantly influence particle dynamics, especially those of small inertial particles. In this study, homogenous isotropic turbulence with Taylor's Reynolds number of 102.3 is generated by a direct numerical simulation (DNS) and a wavelet-based coherent vortex extraction method is implemented to extract the coherent SGS structures and then investigate their effects on particle dynamics, including single-particle and particle-pair statistics. Compared to the classical spectral-filtered DNS (FDNS), which cuts off only the high wavenumber components regardless of the turbulence structures in the SGS motions, the wavelet filtered DNS (WFDNS) can retain more coherent vortex structures in the SGS flow field with the help of the high compression rate characteristics of wavelet transformation. Comparing the results of WFDNS and FDNS at the identical effective grid number, it can be found that the single-particle statistics are mainly controlled by the macro energy-containing structures, and the SGS coherent vortex structures play important roles in the particle-pair dynamics, including the radial distribution function, radial relative velocity, and collision kernel. Therefore, in view of the characteristic of wavelet filtering that preserves the SGS coherent structure, the wavelet-based structural filter should be particularly suitable for LES modeling of particle-laden flow. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:湍流粒子的大涡模拟(LES)中的底图刻度(SGS)结构显着影响粒子动力学,尤其是小惯性颗粒。在该研究中,通过直接数值模拟(DNS)产生与泰勒雷诺数为102.3的均匀各向同性湍流,并且实施了基于小波的相干涡流提取方法以提取相干的SGS结构,然后调查它们对粒子动态的影响,包括单粒子和粒子对统计。与经典频谱过滤的DNS(FDNS)相比,其仅切断高波峰组件,无论SGS运动中的湍流结构如何,小波滤波的DNS(WFDN)都可以在SGS流场中保持更多的相干涡流结构小波变换高压缩率特征的帮助。比较WFDNS和FDNS在相同的有效网格号中的结果,可以发现单粒子统计主要由含宏能量的结构控制,并且SGS相干涡流结构在粒子对动态中起重要作用,包括径向分布函数,径向相对速度和碰撞核。因此,鉴于保留SGS相干结构的小波滤波的特征,基于小波的结构滤波器应特别适用于粒子载流的LES建模。 (c)2018年elestvier有限公司保留所有权利。



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