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Startle, annoyance and psychophysiological responses to repeated sound bursts


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This study was designed to investigate the relationships both between startle and annoyance ratings and between these ratings and heart rate, skin conductance, and electromyographic responses. The experimental sounds had three different frequency contents and two rise times. In a laboratory experiment, 48 subjects were exposed to three blocks of nine noise bursts, each consisting of 5-second plateau at a sound pressure level of 80 dBA. Psycho-acoustical ratings were collected for startle, fright, conspicuousness and annoyance, and the psychophysiological indicators were measured. The principal component analysis of the psycho-acoustical measures established two components associated with startle and annoyance. Startle and annoyance ratings were found to be associated with psychophysiological indicators. A short onset-latency increase in heart rate was associated with startle rating, and annoyance was indicated by a simultaneous increase in electromyography. It is concluded that the annoyance resulting from a sound stimulus is not necessarily associated with the evoked startle responses. [References: 11]
机译:这项研究旨在调查惊吓和烦恼等级之间以及这些等级与心率,皮肤电导和肌电图反应之间的关系。实验声音具有三个不同的频率内容和两个上升时间。在实验室实验中,使48位受试者暴露于9个噪声突发的三个区域中,每个区域由5秒的平稳期组成,声压级为80 dBA。收集惊吓,惊吓,显眼和烦恼的心理声学等级,并测量心理生理指标。对心理声学措施的主成分分析确定了与惊吓和烦恼相关的两个成分。发现惊吓和烦恼等级与心理生理指标有关。心率的短暂发作延迟增加与惊吓等级相关,而肌电图同时增加则表明烦恼。结论是,声音刺激引起的烦恼并不一定与惊吓反应有关。 [参考:11]



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