首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology >From Arturo Escobar's development theory to Antony Giddens’s structuration theory: a social constructionist analysis of rural entrepreneurship and multifunctional agriculture

From Arturo Escobar's development theory to Antony Giddens’s structuration theory: a social constructionist analysis of rural entrepreneurship and multifunctional agriculture

机译:从Arturo Escobar的发展理论到Antony Giddens的结构理论:农村创业与多功能农业的社会建构主义分析

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Many research papers in the field of entrepreneurship have gained from a positivistic analytical approach, both in epistemology and methodology. Also there are very limited enquires concerning entrepreneurship in rural areas, or rural entrepreneurshipin a new way. Through this paper, using social constructionism as a big paradigm, Antony Giddens^s Structuration Theory and Arturo Escobar's Three Component Theory in development deployment, we try to present an explanation of rural entrepreneurship andmultifunctional agriculture, as two main discourses in rural regions. The main claim is that it is necessary to shift from positivistic and hegemonic discourse of rural entrepreneurship to socially constructed discourse of agriculture's multifunctionality, through an analytical reversion of Escobar's theory, and using Structuration Theory as a theoretical context.
机译:在创业领域的许多研究论文都从认识论和方法论中产生了实证主义分析方法。 此外,在农村地区或农村企业家的新途径上也有非常有限的询问。 通过本文,利用社会建构主义作为一个大范例,Antony Giddens ^ S结构理论和Arturo Escobar在发展部署中的三个组件理论,我们试图展示农村企业家和农业的解释,作为农村地区的两个主要话语。 主要索赔是,通过Escobar理论的分析逆转,以及使用结构理论作为理论背景,有必要从农村创业的实体和霸权话语转向农业多功能性的社会构建的多功能性话语。



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