首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics >Social and Human Potential of the Arctic Frontier (by thi Results of Sociological Research in the Yamal)

Social and Human Potential of the Arctic Frontier (by thi Results of Sociological Research in the Yamal)


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The new stage of the industrial development of the Russian Arctic required reliable information about the real social situation in the region and possibilities for ensuring the planned investment projects with human resources. The authors, based on the results of long-term sociological research in Yamal, analyzing the dynamics of assessments of various aspects of the life activity of different social groups of northerners (old residents, including aboriginal ethnic groups, new settlers, shift workers) have discovered the peculiarities of already manifested and still latent social problems inherent in the Arctic oil and gas region and alternative technologies for their solution under different scenarios of the forthcoming change in external and internal conditions.The methodology and sociological and mathematical tools for identifying the level of the social and human potential of the Russian Arctic are considered. To solve this poorly structured problem, to take into account qualitative, hard-to-formalize infonnation, it is proposed to use the mathematical apparatus of the theory of pattern recognition, which allows correct characterization of the level and possibilities of staffing of the planned programs for the social and economic development of the Yamal frontier. The results of the sociological research carried out by the authors are given, allowing assessing the real situation with the quantity and quality of people who can and want to participate in the implementation of the planned programs for the neo-industrial development of the Arctic.The analysis of the current state and trends of change of both human and social potential is given.



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