首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics >Effect of Overdispersion and Sample Size on the Performance of Poisson Model and its Extensions in Frame of Generalized Linear Models (GLMs)

Effect of Overdispersion and Sample Size on the Performance of Poisson Model and its Extensions in Frame of Generalized Linear Models (GLMs)


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Mean equal variance assumption in Poisson model is constantly violated in real life count data leading to overdispersion. This study assessed empirically, the performance of Poisson Model and its extensions under varying overdispersion and sample size using R software. Increased values of overdispersion (K =2, 4, 8, 12, 20) have been introduced in count data following Poisson distribution with parameter μ_i ≈ 1 and various samples (n =25, 50, 100, 500, 1000) have been extracted. Poisson, quasi-Poisson, negative binomial and zero inflated Poisson models were fitted on the sampled data and the results were compared to the outcomes from linear regression after a log-transformation. The results showed that overdispersion and sample size impact the performance of the Poisson model and its extensions. Negative binomial model is better than the other models for all combinations of K with the large samples (n =500 and 1000). However, for small samples (n =25, 50), there was no model performing better in all combinations of n and K. The outputs also revealed that log-transformation of count data by using linear regression performs well only for some small samples.
机译:平均平均方差在泊松模型中的假设在现实生活中不断违反导致过度分解的数据。本研究经验评估,使用R软件对泊松模型的性能及其在不同过分倾斜和样本大小下的延伸。已经提取了在泊松分布的泊松分布之后的计数数据中提高了过分倾斜(k = 2,4,8,12,20)的增加的值,其中提取了各种样本(n = 25,50,100,500,1000) 。泊松,准泊松,负二项式和零充气泊松模型拟合在采样数据上,并将结果与​​点对转换后线性回归的结果进行比较。结果表明,过度分散和样品大小会影响泊松模型及其延伸的性能。负二项式模型比其他k的其他模型更好,用于大型样品(n = 500和1000)。然而,对于小样本(n = 25,50),在N和K的所有组合中没有更好地执行模型。输出还揭示了通过使用线性回归的计数数据的对数转换仅适用于一些小型样本。



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