首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Applied Engineering Research >An Approach of Statistical Methods for Improve Software Quality and Cost Minimization

An Approach of Statistical Methods for Improve Software Quality and Cost Minimization


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High quality software products play an important role for economic business growth of any organization. Software companies need to maintain their own existent in business world to facing lots of challenges like defect origins, defect tracking, defect removal, and finding the injected bugs or defects into the software development life cycle. These defects or bugs have breakdowns there economic business growth. In this article, the paper discuses Phase by analysis of software project have the highest probability for finding the errors and bugs during their development time and re-inspected the software products. Software engineers have great competitive pressure to improving the software quality and reducing their skyrocketing of software cost. Cost of quality has big challenges to minimizing failure cost and improving the prevention cost, cost of poor quality is affected by internal and external failure cost. In this article, it describes the approach of cost Models to improve the software quality and statistical process control to minimizing the failure cost. Defect removal matrices to improve the software quality as well as minimizing the internal or external failure cost. Phase by removal process and tracking the defects at each level which are injected during the software development life cycle process. In this methodology it enables the predictions of software quality and reducing the estimated cost.



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