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The decline in for-profit higher education during the Obama Administration and its prospects in the Trump Presidency


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The fortunes of the for-profit higher education industry rise and fall with the political tides in the United States. During the 8 years of the GeorgeWBush Administration (Republican), the for-profit sector of US higher education prospered. The following two terms of the Obama Administration (Democrat) resulted in the loss of all the ground gained during Mr Bush's two terms in office. Indeed, the US Department of Education, led by Secretary Arne Duncan, aggressively attacked the for-profit higher education providers. This attack took two very effective forms: the wielding of 'gainful employment' regulations to sever the eligibility of for-profit corporations to receive federal financial aid funding for admitted students, and the withdrawal of authority from the for-profit sector's accrediting agency. This article argues that, if the past is predictive, the prospects for the for-profit higher education providers are bright under Mr Trump.
机译:营利营业高等教育行业的命运与美国政治潮汐升起。 在乔治管理局(共和党)的8年内,美国高等教育的营利部门繁荣。 以下两项奥巴马政府(民主人士)的两项条款导致在布什先生在办公室的两项术语中失去了所有的地面。 事实上,美国教育部,由秘书邓肯领导,积极袭击营利性高等教育提供者。 这次袭击采取了两种非常有效的形式:挥舞着“有酬就业”的规定,以便削减营利性公司的资格,以获得所承认的学生的联邦政府资助,以及从营利性部门的认可机构撤出权威。 本文认为,如果过去是预测的,营业营利性高等教育提供者的前景就在特朗普先生明亮。



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