首页> 外文期刊>Indian Phytopathology >Biocontrol efficacy of Trichoderma viride against fungal pathogens of cumin, groundnut and castor

Biocontrol efficacy of Trichoderma viride against fungal pathogens of cumin, groundnut and castor

机译:Trichoderma Viride对小茴香,地生和蓖麻真菌病原体的Biocontrol疗效

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A potential Trichoderma viride strain CZTV-1 was screened against 15 fungal plant pathogens of which nine pathogens Diaporthe sp., Nectria haematococca, Fusarium sp., Aspergillusflavus, Lasidiplodia theobromae, Pseudofusicoccum adan-soniae, Fusarium solani, Aspergillus niger and Fusarium brachygibbosum were isolated from groundnut; three pathogens viz., Alternaria alternata, Fusarium equiseti and Fusarium oxysporum were isolated from cumin; and three pathogens viz., Alternaria tenuissima, Chaetomiumatrobrunnem and Alternaria porri were isolated from castor. In dual culture, T. viride (CZTV-1) significantly reduced the mycelial growth of pathogenic fungi which was the least (29.0%) for Fusarium sp. (CZC-3) and which was the maximum (82.2%) for Aspergillus niger (CZGN-12) which was statistically on par with Fusarium solani CZGN-9 (80.7%). This Trichoderma viride isolate (CZTV-1) can be further exploited for commercial scale up as a biocontrol agent under localized climatic conditions of western Rajasthan.
机译:筛选潜在的Trichoderma Viride菌株CZTV-1针对15个真菌植物病原体,其中九种病原体达到SP。,Nectria Haematoccca,Fusarium Sp。,灰曲霉Sp。,曲霉属植物,Lasidiplodia Theobromae,假血清虫病Adan-Soniae,镰刀菌菌,菊属植物毒蕈王氏菌和羽毛菌,令人毛骨悚然的尼日尔和镰刀菌来自地生;三种病原体,替代替代品,Fusarium Equiseti和富升氧胞孢菌与孜然分离;和三个病原体viz,alertaria tenuissima,chaetomiumatrobrunnem和alternaria porri从蓖麻中分离出来。在双重文化中,T.Vile(CZTV-1)显着降低了致致血清菌的致病性真菌的菌丝体生长。 (CZC-3),其曲霉(CZGN-12)的最大(82.2%),其统计上与镰刀菌菌菌菌菌菌菌菌菌菌(80.7%)相提并论。该Trichoderma viride分离物(CZTV-1)可以进一步利用作为Biocontrol代理商的商业规模,以在Restrajasthan的局部气候条件下。



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