首页> 外文期刊>Icarus: International Journal of Solar System Studies >Low-velocity impact cratering experiments in granular slopes

Low-velocity impact cratering experiments in granular slopes


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Low-velocity impact cratering experiments are conducted in sloped granular targets to study the effect of the slope angle theta on the crater shape and its scales. We use two types of granular matter, sand and glass beads, former of which has a larger friction coefficient mu(s) = tan theta(r), where theta(r) is the angle of repose. Experiments show that as theta increases, the crater becomes shallower and elongated in the direction of the slope. Furthermore the crater floor steepens in the upslope side and a thick rim forms in the downslope side, thus forming an asymmetric profile. High-speed images show that these features are results of ejecta being dispersed farther towards the downslope side and the subsequent avalanche which buries much of the crater floor. Such asymmetric ejecta dispersal can be explained by combining the Z-model and a ballistic model. Using the topographic maps of the craters, we classify crater shape regimes I-III, which transition with increasing theta : a full-rim crater (I), a broken-rim crater (II), and a depression (III). The critical theta for the regime transitions are larger for sand compared to glass beads, but collapse to close values when we use a normalized slope (theta) over cap = tan theta / tan theta(r). Similarly we derive (theta) over cap -dependences of the scaled crater depth, length, width and their ratios which collapse the results for different targets and impact energies. We compare the crater profiles formed in our experiments with deep craters on asteroid Vesta and find that some of the scaled profiles nearly overlap and many have similar depth / length ratios. This suggests that these Vestan craters may also have formed in the gravity regime and that the formation process can be approximated by a granular flow with a similar effective friction coefficient. (C) 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
机译:低速冲击升降机实验在倾斜的粒状靶标中进行,以研究斜角角θ对火山口的效果及其鳞片。我们使用两种类型的粒状物质,沙子和玻璃珠,前者具有较大的摩擦系数mu(s)=tanθ(r),其中Theta(r)是recose的角度。实验表明,随着θ增加,火山口变浅,沿斜坡方向伸长。此外,在倒盘侧的上升侧的火山口地板陡峭,在下坡侧,形成不对称的轮廓。高速图像表明,这些特征是喷射物的结果朝向下坡侧分散,随后的雪崩埋在大量的火山口地板上。可以通过组合Z模型和弹道模型来解释这种不对称的喷射物分散。使用陨石坑的地形图,我们分类了火山口形状制度I-III,其随着θ的增加转换:全边缘火山口(i),破碎的边缘火山口(II)和抑郁症(III)。与玻璃珠相比,沙子的临界θ较大,但是当我们在Cap = TaNta / Tanta(R)上使用归一化斜率(θ)时,坍塌以关闭值。同样,我们派生(θ)缩小的陨石坑深度,长度,宽度及其比例的概念,这些比例崩溃了不同目标和冲击能量的结果。我们比较在我们的实验中形成的火山口概况,在小行星Vesta上的深陨石坑中,发现一些缩放的轮廓几乎重叠,许多具有相似的深度/长度比率。这表明这些背心陨石坑还可以形成在重力状态下,并且形成过程可以通过具有类似有效摩擦系数的粒状流动来近似。 (c)2017年Elsevier Inc.保留所有权利。



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